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A conversation on doing the impossible.

Into the Unknown

June 13, 2020

2020 has been a year of walking into the unknown beyond anyone’s imagination. Coronavirus, the death of George Floyd and more. Lots of change has happened, and sometimes it feels like change for the better is impossible, especially on a full-scale cultural level.

As we go deeper into our discussion in navigating into the unknown, the impossible we face right now is positive cultural change.

This past week I asked Jazz Hampton to help me. We had a conversation in which he shared a lot of his life and insights. You can watch the video here.

A good question that comes up in this season when facing the impossible is what do you need to hear in order to be an active part of change?

When you are asked to do something impossible, how do you tend to respond?

Things like raising a million dollars. Be selfless and generous. Prevent injustice.

What is your reflexive response to being asked to do the impossible?

In Matthew chapter 4 there is a very simple moment in Jesus’ and the Disciples' life that is powerful.

Jesus is bursting onto the scene in His public ministry. He has been baptized by John, fasted and then was tested in the wilderness.

Then he calls the brothers Simon (Peter) and Andrew to be His disciples.

Matthew 4:18-20

As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. - Matthew 4:18-20

Little did these two know the impossibilities they were being called into.

There are three powerful words in this text that I have needed to hear as I consider doing the impossible.

The first word is you. This is key.

“Someone else has to.”

“Someone else can.”

“When will they do it?”

“It is their responsibility.”

No. Jesus is calling his disciples. They didn’t even know the possibilities they were being called into, yet Jesus used the word you.

You are part of the equation.

The second word I want to dwell on is send/make. To produce. To be the authors of. To prepare.

Ok if I am part of the equation, then I’ll just sit here, and God will make me do what I need to do. Right?

Not quite.

So early in his relationship with his disciples, Jesus sent them out.

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness. - Matthew 10:1

He gave them authority. He game them ability. He gave them opportunity. But he didn’t do it for them. Doing the impossible still came out of them, through them.

The last word to consider is follow. To join as an attendant. To accompany. To join one as a disciple.

This is what Jesus says to us.

You. I’m sending you. I’m going to make you capable. Follow me.

God wants to make us capable of the impossible, and He’s going with us. We follow him.

Jesus didn’t say You over there! Get ready to do the impossible! I’ll wait here while you do it!

We are called to be sent and to follow Jesus right into the impossibility of culture change.

Put yourself and the impossibilities in front of you.

You are Jesus’ choice.

He’s sending you out.

He wants to do the impossible with you if you’ll follow him.

Take It Deeper Questions:

Read Matthew 4:18-22

  1. What does following Jesus mean to you?
  2. What does it say about Jesus that He asked people to follow Him?
  3. What does it say about the disciples that they followed Jesus?
  4. What does it mean to be “made into a fisher of man?”
  5. What does it look like to follow Jesus in this season?

Bible Reading Plan:

  • Acts 28
  • Romans 1
  • Romans 2
  • Romans 3
  • Romans 4
  • Romans 5